Tuesday, June 9, 2009


i think i just tasted the best candy bar in the world and it's called crunchie and its from england. my sister-in-law brought it from the beach from her uncle and here is the best part of the candy bar is made of honey comb and covered with chocolate but can you beleive it honey comb well i got to go and get the rest of the candy bar


  1. Ooo. Chocolate. I thought you were talking about the candy bar "Crunch" until you said it was from England.

  2. what about the honey comb its from a beehive

  3. the honey comb is good thats my favorite

  4. I have an idea (usually I would do this cuz I love making money) You should sell honeycombs! Some how. You can start your own all-naturual honey buissness. Sounds cool, right?

  5. wut the heck!!! and wuts up with ur pik??????

  6. What's your penguin's name? Oh and before I forget, I'm gonna be in Valencia from Wednesday to Saturday. Sorry for the inconvienience. lol

  7. my penguins name is Soccer Camps of corse but who r u talking to???
